The Hardware Adherence Solution
The Hardware Adherence Solution includes our devices Mepill and/or Medose and is suitable for those who have their systems and simply seek the hardware to adapt to it.
The Hardware Adherence Solution includes our devices Mepill and/or Medose and is suitable for those who have their systems and simply seek the hardware to adapt to it.
The Hardware Adherence Solution includes our devices Mepill and/or Medose and is suitable for those who have their systems and simply seek the hardware to adapt to it.
What is included
A reusable cellular device for pill-blisters
With its cellular network, Mepill is a unique device that detects when a pill is extracted in real-time. It is designed as a sustainable option for smart packaging with no single-use electronics, safe data handling and the option to integrate into other IT systems thanks to Mevia’s APIs. Studies show that 97-99% of pills are consumed when taken out of a package.
A reusable cellular device for dose-dispenser
With its cellular network, Medose is a unique device that detects when a dose with multiple pills is extracted in real-time. It is designed as a sustainable option for smart packaging with no single-use electronics, safe data handling and the option to integrate into other IT systems thanks to Mevia’s APIs.
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